However, once you are at the Canadian border and customs, it is up to the border officials to assess whether you are eligible to enter.
If you answer the Canadian Border Services Officer’s questions honestly and truthfully, you will be allowed to enter. Otherwise, if they suspect you are not eligible to enter, they can send you back to your home country even if you have a valid visa for Canada.
Don’t worry! We’ll help you with everything you’ll need for your journey to Canada!
How to obtain a Tourist Visa for Canada?
There are several steps to obtaining a tourist visa to Canada. We at Go Study have created this quick guide to help you clarify and obtain the visa that allows you to discover wonderful places in Canada.
Tourist visa documents
There are four main documents that you need to show when applying for a tourist visa. Note that each case is slightly different depending on your specific situation, but generally, you should have the following documents when applying for a ‘temporary visa’ in Canada:

- Proof of funds for your visit to Canada;
- ID, for example, a passport or a residence card from your country;
- A letter of invitation from the person inviting you to come to Canada or the address where you will be staying;
- Proof that you will only be staying in Canada temporarily (return ticket).
How long can you stay in Canada with a Tourist Visa?
Most visitors can stay up to 6 months in Canada from the day they enter the country. If an officer allows you to stay for less than 6 months, they will indicate in your passport the date by which you have to leave Canada. If you wish to stay for longer than 6 months, you must request an extension at least 30 days before the end of your visa.

Who can obtain a Tourist Visa for Canada?
To enter Canada, you must meet certain basic requirements, including:
- Have a valid travel document, i.e., a passport;
- Be in good health;
- Not have a criminal record;
- Convince an immigration officer that you have connections, such as a job, home, financial resources or family that will bring you back to your home country;
- Convince an immigration officer that you will leave Canada at the end of your visit;
- Have enough money for your stay. (The amount of money you will need depends on how long you will be staying and whether you will be staying in a hotel, or with friends or family).
N.B. Some people are not allowed to enter Canada. You can be ineligible to enter the country for various reasons, including your involvement in criminal activity, human rights violations, and organized crime activities.
How to apply for a Tourist Visa for Canada
You can apply for a tourist visa online or on paper. We strongly recommend applying online, following the instructions of our advisors. In most cases, you will need to provide your fingerprints and photo (biometrics) after you apply (it usually happens as soon as you land at the airport).
Why you should apply online
- No courier fees or mail delivery times: we receive your application immediately.
- Online applications can be processed faster.
- The online application helps to ensure that your application is complete before sending it.

- Avoid processing delays.
- Incomplete applications are returned to you.
- If we need to request more documents, you can submit them quickly online.
- You do not need to submit your passport until we request it.
- Receive updates on the status of your application directly in your online account.